oh bugger off i suppose.
03.07.05 3:37 p.m.

i never do this. i say that all the time. i think everyone must hate me.
but i don't care.

i'm 6 hours ahead of the time zone i want to be in. i miss everything.
it's not a homesick i miss. i miss not worrying that the guy that was just yelling at me for being in the crosswalk (heaven forbid) won't turn his car around and proceed to yell at me once he finds me or do something worse.
or the guy that wanted to run with me-- what is that all about?
or the guy that almost didn't see me in the crosswalk for some reason and put his arms up in the "sorry, but what could i do"

sorry? i could be dead right now.

people here are disgruntled.
i want to go home and be ungruntled. and have some soy products that taste like meat. i miss having a good diet-- or eating more salad. poland was never made for vegetarians.
and despite the extensive public transportation system, it wasn't made for pedestrians either.

is it august third yet?

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