feeling rather guilty
14.06.03 1:50 a.m.

I am on the verge of something great. It goes something like this: babies vs. puppies.

Babies= loud. Puppies= can be quiet.

Babies= can be kept in one place. Puppies= tend to jump into the most inconvenient spots as soon as possible (ie just as you are lying down and before your upper back actually hits the bed, BOOM! there's puppy there).

Babies= have potential to grow out of their stupidness. Puppies= tend to keep that with them.

Babies= largely immobile. Puppies= are fun to walk.

I think that I feel bad for kicking Tuffy out of my room. Like I left her out there for the cats. But.. seriously. There is NO biting or play biting allowed. And that's not a risk I'll take when I'm falling asleep.

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