it had a sorority's name on it too
06.06.03 1:10 p.m.

Last night was one bad dream after another. I can't remember which came first, but they entailed:

1. A huge snake that was let out of a box or something that needed to be killed. It was all happening in a mall. Much running and hiding involved.

2. It escapes me now of course.

After waking up and taking a nap:

1. I distinctly remember putting my hair up in a ponytail (which it's still too shower for). At school (theoretically), it's raining for a bit. Then walking to a class of sorts, down a hill. A boi behind me trips and falls. His two notebooks and a piece of paper scatter a little. I pick them up and hand them to him. At this point eh hill is so steep that you're practically laying against it when walking. He looked at me and said something about his fraternity. He then said.. what, do you want to know if I love you now? I looked away, embarassed, and kept on to class. The class was some sort of skills room. There ws an endless hole that was carefully made that extended from one of the room to the other. We were jumping across it, creatively.

2. Went back to school. (I'm sure Lacy will laugh at this next part). The room's in a different place. I walk in and it looks huge (yay), but there's 6 people in it. I ask them what they're doing there, but nothing. Their names are mentioned to me by Crystal (a girl that I do not like at all). I got to hang my clothes up in a wardrobe. I realize I left a lot at home. Especially extra hangers. I get up and am tryig to figure out who these people are. One of them tells me that one of my roommates isn't coming back and instead I'm rooming with this one girl. I'm like.. okay. Bizarre. Then my clothes go missing from the wardrobe and I start to walk along the railroad tracks to find them. Apparently the box split.

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