30.05.03 1:40 p.m.

I decided that last night deserves an entry, and am going to ignore the fact that I am not one to normally write as frankly as I will now.

Last night was Cirque du Soleil: Varekai. All right, we've all watched the bravo series. It's great. It's wonderful. Magnificent. Capitvating. Hysterical. Tragic. Beauty beyond imagination. And there is plenty of imagination in it.

I went with my sister. We had an awful time getting there. Who the hell in manhattan even knows where freaking Pier 11 is? NO ONE! Not even the cab drivers. Well, not our first cab driver. The second one.. after we had already missed the ferry (this was after we got out of the first cab somewhere around Battery Park, started walk- both of us in slides, and proceeded to run every so often. I have blesed Manhattan streets by running on them barefoot. Who knows what diseases I aquired at that point.). I have shin splints today.

In either case- the show was absolutely wonderful. It made me laugh. It made me cry- well, not quite. But it was so.. astonishing to see all of this unfold before my eyes. There I was- watching Cirque. There was the clown (as we later found out) walking around and throwing popcorn on us. Or the woman working with him that would squirt you with water. He later sang- in french.. well, more like "sang" as he chased the spotlight that was escaping him so well. He sang.. no one listens to me. Or no one is listening to me.

There was so much that went on, that I find it so hard to describe. I remember though looking and thinking.. I never knew bodies move like that. I never realized how sexual it can all be.. and not just in sex-sex but in a sort of almost enticing way. That you can be suggestive and not at the same time. It was a different light to see in.

I am completely enthralled. I'm glad that the Cirque was my first "circus" experience. It's not something I will forget easily. (Especially not the ferry ride back where I stared at "The Twins" and practically drooled all over myself and almost died of agony when I saw their matching bikes)

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