covering your ass
26.04.03 2:48 p.m.

I have illusions of grandeur in my mind. They are all false.

The people that stand before me are my fellow comrades. I am behind the podium today. Arguing with a trusted friend. You know that this is the only way. That violence is our voice now.

Today.. today is the last time we can play along with these ridiculous rules. A piece of paper if it's raining when we want to speak, another if there's a few more clouds, another if it's sunny, another if it's this day of the week and yet another if it's this time of day. These streets are made for the public- you cannot deny that. The problem in the world is the apathy- the acceptance. There is a poster in my room with Dorothy Day. She is quoted on it as saying "Our problems stem from our acceptance of this filthy, rotten system." And she is right.

But Jo, you know that you will not get far. They will arrest you. You will be stopped even before you can start.

But this wave of acceptance has to end! And you and I have spent all the hours and days and weeks and months.. and YEARS that one possibly can trying to comply with these regulations. Where are we now? Nowhere. Our word has not spread. The news broadcasters no longer care what we chant or what we speak about.

And will they care if we don't get those permits? IS that the answer to all of this-

Perhaps not the answer.. but it is AN answer. And I intend on following it through. Are you with me?

He looks at her face, pleading for him to come. They have worked so well together. Instilling energy into the crowd.

Yes, let's go. Peace will come one day.

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