gone, gone, gone
29.03.03 10:20 a.m.

There was a refusal to return to the past that so many wished for. Those were the days of their glory- not what they experience now. Statistics. You may get an STD. You may fail and no one will blink an eye. You can also to dance with a bottle and see how that turns out. Although that could be the lesser of the poisons you choose to use.

This is all mere speculation though.

We were back in the parking lot- a huge blacktop spanning from sea to sea. This is where it all began: the car. It had to look good. Or at least be adequate. The words that come out of our mouths in that area were worse than ever.

None of us could say what we were realling thinking. While I paraded around in a spiderman costume on top of another one.

our father had died. well- not mine persay. but there were two daughters in it that he was father to. and i think i was one of them at some point.. but not quite., i was in and out of bodies the entire night. we ran away and went towards these woods. we seeked refuge in this other land.. medieval. it wa slike time travel. i went over there to tell them of the troubles. a messenger came to tell us of troubles brewing. but we had time. we were prepared. i ran into this cave of sorts- sort of a niche in the stone wall and hoped to escape it all. i did.. almost. some creature of sorts was intent on making the walls fall in in that area. he nearly succeeded. i ran out the other end and saw a car coming. paniced, i climbed up a tree and started inching up and up. the car was black.. reminded me of a hearse but a classic car. it was not a hearse. a man got out from this small car. he was taller beyond belief. i could not climb high enough. i inched out along a branch and ended up standing on his shoulders.

and so we paraded down the street.

the death was suspicious though. apparently murdered. the boi and i left to go see what we could do. the two daughters had gotten haircuts in between cuts of this film.

we met a beggar in the cemetary. "i am blind" she cried. no one else was there. we asked her for a place to bury the body. she opened up the foot of another grave where there was room. he went in standing up.

problem solved.

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