STAMP on my forehead
31.12.02 3:05 p.m.

so i've done the whole walk around thing. sometimes i wonder how horoscopes work, since mine seems to tell the truth in most cases.

lately feeling more motivated and energized. but is that really from the stars, or is it because i've finally gotten that lengthy break from school and homework and reading assignments, papers, and all of that-- my last exam was 13 days ago.

but i feel like i'm constantly waiting for things. waiting for summer class information to be posted for new brunswick campus. waiting to go back to school. waiting to buy the bookshelf to put in my closet in the dorm and to organize that. waiting to get back on my computer (cos i'm lazy and didn't bother bringing it home) and fix some things.

okay, so as much as i'm waiting- i'm still living. and thinking and breathing. but that might all be irrelevent depending on how you define living.

what is life without thought?

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