delerium trigger
23.08.02 5:32 p.m.

this is it for the next few days. the car is being packed as we speak. i'm going out to dinner with my family for the last time for a while. malabar house- delicious south indian food.

tomorrow 8am i head off.

all day i've had this sad expression on my face. my movements have been very deliberate. as though i don't want to go wrong right before leaving. the stress is mounting steadily- our voices rise every so often.

the family photo i'm taking is from massachusetts. the entire family looks miserable- except me. they all have forced smiles. my sister and brother were laughing about it when i showed it to them. i look like this little angel amongst all of them- i was still so young then. they said it was good that i didn't have to know how miserable life was there. and it was.

so tomorrow- virginia. tuesday i'll be back online. just leave notes or sign the guestbook- my email doesn't work otherwise.

diary- we are entering a new era.

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