but this is the end
02.08.02 11:56 p.m.

here i stand

lust is like a flower of love left to be unopened or maybe it's already ripened or not quite ripe and one day it just turns around and is POOF

here you stand

love is like a fruit grown on a tall tall old tree the tree in the middle of the garden of eden the one that tempts but you've slain it already and it stands at your feet waiting for you except of course there's still a small matter of god a creator that pushes you around some until you go CRACKLE

here is the truth

none of it is real or ever could be there's only this small run around box with four corners where my fingers start to fly and maybe you see some truth and maybe i make some lies but it's good in the end to see with your eyes

experience my behavior. and i see my behavior. and you have behavior and i have my experience of your behavior.

(and in the end it all becomes a little more appropriate than anyone would have imagined in the beginning)

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