06.07.02 1:43 p.m.

a huge grin plastered across her face, there were no days better than that one. that one moment was all that mattered. and in a flash, it was captured on film.

a beauitful sort of day, but sadness lingered in the air. the last day- to say goodbye. a ride for fun after that first one that seemed so long ago. the one where she bucked and threw her body around rejecting everything. and now, a month later we had become best friends. i sat next to her when she slept in the morning. fed her grain, carrots, apples, sugar cubes, grass. we were best friends.

it's like any other friendship. to approach something that weighs over 1200lbs and for it to respect you just the same as you respect it.

(ILUZJA, KLUS!) those words always echoed in my mind. she was such a doll. it was so lovely.

that was always the weird thing about poland- how time went by so differently. i never shyed from the work there. it had to be done- all of it. and i wante do to do it. and i managed to keep myself from exhaustion too- except for collapsing in bed at the end of the night.

i miss it terribly. and it's a constant reminder when i look at the picture of the two of us. i remember walking into the barn one morning- it wasn't even 6am yet. and she was still lying down. and i sat down next to her and we stayed there for a few minutes.

and yet i'm still unable to answer why i love it so much. it's the look in her eyes- and then the look in flamenco's eyes. just something that i know.

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